If you are the only one putting in time and effort in your
relationship, chances are that your boyfriend’s attention could be
drifting. Here are a few more signs which will help you to confirm your
1. He doesn’t pamper you with gifts anymore
In the early phase of a new relationship, boyfriends pamper their
girlfriends with gifts and tokens of love without a reason or an
occasion. If your boyfriend has stopped giving you gifts and does not
pampering you anymore with little knick knacks, it could be a tell tale
sign that he is taking you for granted. He might be losing interest in
your relationship because of which he doesn’t have the urge to give you
2. He forgets your birthday
It is a commonly known fact that men are not good at remembering
dates. But your birthday is one day of the year that you should expect
your boyfriend to remember. If your boyfriend has forgotten your
birthday more than once, it is an obvious sign that his mind is occupied
by other things which are seemingly more important. No matter how much
he apologizes, the fact that he has forgotten your birthday more than
once is enough to tell you that he is drifting away. Don’t give your
boyfriend the benefit of doubt unnecessarily.
3. His night outs with friends outnumber your dates
Does your boyfriend hang out with his friends way more than he does
with you? Has he ever canceled a date with you just because he wanted to
spend time with his friends? If he has, you should understand that he
is losing interest in the relationship. You should actually expect him
to cancel his outing with friends and give priority to you.
4. He looses his temper for no reason
Every couple is likely to have fights and arguments occasionally. But
if your boyfriend is losing his temper on silly matters on a daily
basis for no reason, it could be an alarming situation. This may be his
way of deliberately creating rifts between you both. He may also be
losing his temper out of frustration of being stuck in a relationship in
which he not interested anymore. If there is no other legitimate reason
for your boyfriend to lose his temper, you should understand the hidden
signs that he may be trying to give you.
5. He starts using ‘I’ instead of ‘we’
Couples who are in love with each other are likely to think about
their future together. They like to use ‘we’ in their conversations
instead of ‘I’ because they think about their life as a couple, not as
individuals. The fact that your boyfriend has begun talking in first
person is indicative of his feelings towards you. He may have started
thinking only about himself because he has lost interest in the
6. He seems generally uninterested and aloof
Little things and minute behavioral traits are enough to let you know
whether your boyfriend has any interest in your relationship or not.
Compare your boyfriend to what he was a few months back. If you find
that he seems a lot more disinterested and aloof than before, he might
have fallen out of love with you.
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