Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Rapper, Nicki Minaj gets stiff competition from (wait for it)… Ibadan (WATCH)

Nicki Minaj 
It wasn’t a difficult task for the judges of Nigeria’s Got Talent to identify Opeyemi Oguntoye, a rapper from Ibadan, who also happened to be a die-hard fan of American rapper, Nicki Minaj at the Ibadan auditions which aired on Sunday, November 17, 2013.

Opeyemi who embodied all the characteristics of her mentor, Nicki Minaj from her outfit to her performance and also with her facial expressions, wowed the judge with her performance.

“It is very clear to see that you love Nicki Minaj, you just happen to be a slim version of her,” said Kate Henshaw. “I see a mixture of Nicki Minaj and Missy Elliot in you,” added Yibo Koko.

Watch Opeyemi’s version of Nicki Minaj’s rap below:


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