Tuesday, 15 October 2013

The shout-and-scream employer: 5 ways to deal with your FIERY boss

Black woman office
Make your protest known. Do not be cowed down by their attitude – if you think they have been unfair to you, request a meeting with them and discuss the matter without arguing or getting emotional.
 1) The shout-and-scream boss: Some bosses lose their tempers very quickly, and they deal with their tempers by raging and shouting. “No person can raise his voice on anybody at work, especially if he is a senior,” says Prajakta Sule, an HR professional. “If your boss yells at you, remain silent and don’t answer in more than monosyllables. Do not look at the ground as if you are guilty, make eye contact. When he or she calms down, pretend that the shouting episode didn’t happen at all. Your calmness will probably shame your boss into not repeating such behaviour again.”

2) The curt and rude boss: Smriti Goradia worked at a fashion magazine in Mumbai, where her boss never spoke to the staff. “Whenever you requested five minutes, she would curtly say she didn’t have time to spare. You couldn’t discuss anything with her.” Such bosses tend to put up a wall around themselves so that they don’t have to deal with pressing matters. “The way to approach an unapproachable boss is to politely ask what time they would be free for a short meeting. Promptly arrive at the time that they give, and say what you have to say in a few sentences. As a follow up to the meeting, instead of approaching them again, email them or text them on their mobile,” Prajakta says.

3) The no-you-can’t-have-a-holiday boss: There are bosses who never sanction leave for their employees, no matter how urgent the need. “It was always ‘No, you can’t go on leave,” Smriti recalls. “A colleague once had to leave town urgently for a family emergency, but my boss said that leave would not be sanctioned. Finally, her pay was cut for the week that she went on leave.” No boss can refuse to grant you leave if you have enough leaves pending, and if you are giving sufficient notice. “Sick leaves can never be refused. For long leaves, a sufficient notice helps,” says Foram Engineer*, an HR professional with a national newspaper. “If your boss refuses to grant leave and tries to cut the number of days of holiday, remind him or her that you need the full number of days that you applied for and that you have pending leaves. When you apply for leave, CC a copy to your HR head as well.” There are bosses who do not sanction compensatory leaves for overtime. “Again, remind them that you worked on a holiday or after hours. As such, they cannot refuse your request,” says Foram.

4) The exclusive boss: These bosses normally have a sycophantic clique comprising their favourite colleagues, and everyone else is an object of derision. “Such bosses will promote only their clique, praise only those within the circle and be nasty to everyone else. Though it is unfair to be passed over for a promotion or a pay raise, you just have to grin and bear it,” says Foram. “Make your protest known. Do not be cowed down by their attitude – if you think they have been unfair to you, request a meeting with them and discuss the matter without arguing or getting emotional. State all the facts, discuss your performance, and make a case for why you should be rewarded.”

5) The public shaming boss: These bosses insult the staff in full hearing of the office, use offensive language and never have a kind word to say to anyone. “This type of boss is drunk on his or her power in the office. The behaviour stems from insecurity or a sense of persecution from employees, especially if he or she is aware of personal shortcomings,” says Prajakta. “When the language gets abusive, draw the line yourself. It may not improve his behaviour, but at least you will have made yourself clear. If the behaviour continues, go to his superior of the HR head and lodge a complaint.” However, lodging a complaint against one’s boss is also considered unacceptable, so keep it as a last resort.


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