Wednesday, 16 October 2013

The Difference Between What Women Want And What They Say

There are no hard and fast rules to understanding a woman. Basically, a woman craves for more love and attention than any man can muster. Guys or men are often left throwing their hands up in the air with the words: “I don’t even know what she wants….I don’t even understand her anymore”.
Quit being such a cry baby!

The trick is, you understand a woman better by the cues she leaves out there. So much in understanding the workings of the mind of the female gender tilts in the general direction of what she doesn’t say than in the spoken word. Let’s run through some of those cues you could easily pick out in order to be the man she expects you to be.

1) Ask Her What The Problem Is And She Goes ‘Nothing’: This is usually not a good sign, buddy. When she bows her head that way and shakes it vigorously with the word ‘nothing’ when you ask of her why she is so crestfallen, please be mindful of the fact that she is very worried. Be a gentleman for once: don’t keep asking what the problem is and just keep doing the little things she expects of you around the house. In time, she’ll snap out of her mood and you’ll be her man all over again. Her ‘nothing’ always connotes: “Be a man, Jack, before I deny you dinner”. ‘Nothing’ means ‘ everything is wrong’.

2) Her Silence Is Not Golden: If she is usually the chirpy, garrulous type and she goes five hours without saying a word around you, just know you just freaked her out. The only reason why she hasn’t kicked your arse is usually because she may come out worse off if it boils down to a physical match up. So, when she goes all quiet on you, think of all the ways you may have probably hurt her and apologise before she even reels out your offence. Sometimes, a better apology would be to help her out around the house or with the kids or increase the home financial allowance. She doesn’t expect you not to have noticed that the dwindling economy is taking its toll on domestic affairs.

3) Ask Her How Bad Her Hair Is And She Goes “It’s Fine”: No, her hair is not “fine”, and because you aren’t visually impaired, she hates to remind you or come grovelling at your feet to get you to be the man you should be. Same applies for everything you should use your initiative to decipher. Normally, she would prefer to foot her own bills and not expect you to play ‘god’ over her and all, but show concern occasionally even when you can’t pick the bills. Show concern about how the home is run, ask how the kids are faring in school. A woman often prefers that you show initiative, and when you don’t most of the time and she is too fed up to complain, she tells you all is fine with her. Bad sign, bro.

4) She Lays On The Bed Facing The Other Direction: Okay, get a grip, guy! She is saying, you are no longer the man she married. This could also mean, she is losing patience with you, you are losing the skills behind the sheets or she is fed up with your recent antics. In any case, don’t ask her if there is a problem. Duh!!! Act the man you are, read the signs and redress your ways. If you have become an ***hole lately, retrace your footsteps and become a gentleman again.

5) She Isn’t Looking Particularly Good Around You Anymore: Recall when she always dressed up to impress you? These days, she ties a particular wrapper and adorns the same top all week long whenever you are around her. Nah, she hasn’t forgotten how to look good all of a sudden because she still dresses to the nines to work or to the shopping arcade. You are losing your wife, Oga. It should worry you particularly if you have become very frugal or parsimonious lately. All she’s trying to say is: “Look here nigger, if you don’t appreciate what you’ve got , someone else will”. Be very afraid, Mr Agbabiaka Anthony! Be very, very afraid.

The bottomline in understanding a woman or a lady is in always playing your role around the place. She is sensitive and emotional because she was made that way by the creator. Do not mistake those attributes for weakness. Most of what a woman wants is left unspoken. Because, like they say, she is a woman; she may bend backwards to accommodate you and the rest of the family, but she doesn’t break.
Go out there and love a woman today.
The writer is on Twitter as @Psermuel


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