Friday, 18 October 2013

Paschal Chikero: Hail Omotola Ekeinde, The Celebrity Advocate Of The Masses (CAM)

Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in hailing the efforts of Omotola Jalade Ekeinde. I have often complained that the Nigerian entertainment industry is full of Ass Kissers and Esaus. The top dogs in the industry prefer to lick the Asses of the political gladiators in “Agbada” to fighting for even their own rights, let alone speaking for the voiceless. They prefer to be Ambassadors of corrupt politicians to being the Ambassadors of change!  

This is because most of them are still hungry… forget the popularity ranking. They’d rather swallow corrupt money until they begin to purge, to fasting for change. These days, most of the big guns in Nollywood are getting one political appointment or the other, it’s no longer Arts for Arts sake, we are in the era of Art for political appointment sake. Money, they say is the root of all evil. Fact is, insatiable hunger is the mother of corruption.

But we must give a standing ovation to Mrs. Ekeinde because she has earned it. We must brew the culture of appreciating those who have shown consistency in fighting for change: people who have stuck their necks out to publicly condemn corruption. We must pour encomiums on them, decorate the necks they stick out with gold medals because they are the pure breed of the Nigerian celebrity specie. It is imperative we name names.

Delectable Sexy Mama of Nollywood, Omotola Jalade Ekeinde deserves our kudos. She has distinguished herself as a true role model. Those who are getting fatter with Globacom cash and farting all over the place are not our Ambassadors, they are not our role models because they have done nothing worthy of emulation besides the fact that they have “Camera Advantage”. But beautiful Omosexy has been consistent in stretching her head out of the window to condemn the evil that politicians perpetrate.
That’s our role model. She cares less about getting any political appointment or product endorsement deals. She has always stepped out of the decaying crowd of entertainers to be counted on the side of the masses. She has been spotted in several marches against corruption in Nigeria, spoke out against Child Marriage bill and recently used the reigning digital weapon of mass communication, Twitter, to express her anger and disgust on the lingering ASUU strike. The United Nations World Food Program Ambassador, who commands a following of 278, 300 on twitter is using both her celebrity power and her social media presence to fight for change. Did you say, like Fela, like Omotola ? Yea you are not far from the bus stop of truth.

She has become our own Oprah, Sean Penn, Spike Lee etc. So I propose we give her the honour we conferred on the late Human Rights Activist, Chief Abdul-Ganiyu “Gani” Oyesola Fawehinmi, (22 April 1938 – 5 September 2009) , when the masses made him Seniour Advocate of the Masses. Let’s make Omotola , Celebrity Advocate of the Masses, CAM. Let’s honour people doing the right thing. This is the only way we can show the elites what we the Nigerian people really want; it’s the only way we can change the culture of impunity that is eating our society like a shark’s fangs.


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