Saturday, 19 October 2013

10 ways to make the first move on a guy… or get him to

Lean in to give him a peck him on the cheek when he says something unbearably cute or hot. Let your lips stealthily brush his for a zillionth of a second, before he realises what you’re up to.
1. Get him to help you: Playing the damsel in distress, and finding suitable ways to show your appreciation, works like a charm.

2. Scary movie time: Suggest you catch a thriller at the movies or snuggled up on a couch. Clutch at his arm, or bury your head into his shoulder for a stronger impact. Some physical luurve  is guaranteed to come your way.

3. Make those eyes talk: Let your eyes tell him how much you want him. On the contrary, lack of eye contact is a complete bummer and might actually work as a touch-me-not technique.

4. Mirror his moves: This is one of the classic flirtation techniques that rarely fails. When he leans towards you, crosses/uncrosses his legs or touches your arm/hair, puhleeze follow suit. He’s practically asking you to give him the signal. Do comply.

5. Be super feminine: Twirling those tresses, batting those eyelids, showing off that pretty pout — time-tested techniques that rarely fail. Do all/some of these plus indulge in some physical contact oh-so-subtly… and you’re sure to have him eating out of your hands.

6. Play a little footsie: If you think grabbing his hand at the first opportunity is too obvious or cliché, let your feet do the talking instead. A little under-the-table touchy-feely never hurt anyone.

7. Dance, dance, dance: Some harmless dirty dancing can be a great way to suggest you’re keen on getting physical. Of course, the buzzword is KISS… Keep It Subtle, Sistah!

8. Be cheeky: Lean in to give him a peck him on the cheek when he says something unbearably cute or hot. Let your lips stealthily brush his for a zillionth of a second, before he realises what you’re up to. He’s sure to get the message.

9. Booze plus: Get him comfortably numb without being too obvious about it, of course. If that doesn’t work, get tipsy yourself. Or pretend to lose control. One can’t help but take care of such (fake) vulnerability.

10. Suggest a hot make-out spot: If all else fails and he’s (playing) dumb, say you know of a cool make-out spot. If he’s in, you’ll know from his expression. However, if he looks shocked, burst out laughing with an “I-was-only-joking” look.


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