The most common cause of pénile injury is found among the variety of
potentially dangerous positions used for séxual intercourse. The most
popular is the ‘woman-on-top’. This type of position can result in an
impact between the pénis against the female pelvis or perineum that can
easily traumatize the pénile cylinders.
A pénis becomes érect when the lining of the cylinder within it is
engorged with blood. A pénis fracture can occur when there is trauma to
the eréct pénis, resulting in a rupture of the cylinder lining. This
very painful injury is often accompanied by an abrupt, distressing
cracking noise that is immediately followed by dark bruising of the
pénis due to blood escaping the cylinder. In ten to 30% of pénis
fractures, the urethra is damaged and blood may be visible at the
urinary opening.
Given these signs, an injury should be relatively simple to diagnose,
right? You would be surprised, even with the unsettling sounds of a
fracture occurring, many men don’t realize what has happened. Perhaps
it’s male pride, or a refusal to admit that they are not in total
control over their séxual functions, but often they don’t acknowledge
their injury.
Various Dangerous Positions
There are many different dangerous séx positions (such as: The Triple
Lindy, The London Bridge, The Pair of Tongs, The Body Builder, The
Incline Leg, etc…) that are difficult to perform and are more likely to
cause injury the pénis.
To prevent injury, it is highly recommended to avoid experimenting
with séxual or masturbatory activity that puts the eréct pénis at risk
for fracture. Also, it is always advisable to wear an athletic supporter
to protect the private parts during physical activities such as sports
or exercise.
A severe pénis injury is much like the aftermath of trauma from a car
accident. The initial pain subsides after a few days, but alarming side
effects emerge later. Such after effects related to pénile damage
include loss of morning eréction, éjaculation pain, unsustainable
érection, érection pain, gross curvature and, perhaps worse of all,
pénis shrinkage.
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