1. Sleep over your issues
You have always been told to sort out your issues before you call it a night. But now, relationship experts say it’s better to re-think and take your time before you end an argument. This gives you and your spouse the time to reconsider the problem.
You have always been told to sort out your issues before you call it a night. But now, relationship experts say it’s better to re-think and take your time before you end an argument. This gives you and your spouse the time to reconsider the problem.
2. It’s alright to holiday apart
Unless you’re on your honeymoon, there’s no reason to travel together all the time. There could be places that you are keen to visit, but doesn’t interest your partner and vice-versa. In such situations, it would be better to holiday with your friends.
Unless you’re on your honeymoon, there’s no reason to travel together all the time. There could be places that you are keen to visit, but doesn’t interest your partner and vice-versa. In such situations, it would be better to holiday with your friends.
3. Keep an account
A recent report says many couples prefer to maintain separate bank accounts instead of the traditional joint ones. This does not mean that you don’t trust your partner, it’s just a way of ensuring control over your finances. And yes, it is a blessing for those with an independent streak.
A recent report says many couples prefer to maintain separate bank accounts instead of the traditional joint ones. This does not mean that you don’t trust your partner, it’s just a way of ensuring control over your finances. And yes, it is a blessing for those with an independent streak.
4. Spouse needn’t be shopping buddy
It’s common for women to complain that their husbands refuse to shop with them. On the other hand, men hate the long hours their wives spend at malls while shopping. It’s always better to shop with people who enjoy it. If not your spouse, tag along some gal pals the next time you are in a mood to splurge. While most couples have a set of common friends, it isn’t necessary to abandon those you’ve known before marriage. On the contrary, having different sets of friends will give both of you some space in the relationship.
It’s common for women to complain that their husbands refuse to shop with them. On the other hand, men hate the long hours their wives spend at malls while shopping. It’s always better to shop with people who enjoy it. If not your spouse, tag along some gal pals the next time you are in a mood to splurge. While most couples have a set of common friends, it isn’t necessary to abandon those you’ve known before marriage. On the contrary, having different sets of friends will give both of you some space in the relationship.
5. Don’t expect her to cook/clean everyday
Men must understand that their wives work as hard as they do. It’s impractical to expect your wife to do all household chores. Don’t expect her to be happy about toiling away in the kitchen while you lounge on the sofa, watching a match. If you want home-cooked food, help her out in the kitchen.
Men must understand that their wives work as hard as they do. It’s impractical to expect your wife to do all household chores. Don’t expect her to be happy about toiling away in the kitchen while you lounge on the sofa, watching a match. If you want home-cooked food, help her out in the kitchen.
6. It’s healthy to have some ‘me time’
Don’t feel guilty if you feel the need to spend time by yourself. Doing things for yourself doesn’t mean that you are ignoring your relationship. In fact, by doing this you will be happier in your relationship. Also, keep the same in mind when it comes to your spouse.
Don’t feel guilty if you feel the need to spend time by yourself. Doing things for yourself doesn’t mean that you are ignoring your relationship. In fact, by doing this you will be happier in your relationship. Also, keep the same in mind when it comes to your spouse.
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